
Dev Game Club

Join hosts and game industry veterans Brett Douville and Tim Longo as they explore older titles to talk about the influences those games had and what we can learn from them even today.
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Dev Game Club











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Dec 25, 2024

Welcome to Dev Game Club, where this week we continue our series on Minecraft, with this special Christmas edition. We talk a little about seeds and sharing them, carpeting your friend's base, stories of ongoing Minecrafting, and other topics. Dev Game Club looks at classic video games and plays through them over several episodes, providing commentary.

Sections played:
A few more hours of Minecraft

Issues covered: wall-to-wall carpeting, Defeating Games for Charity, Minecraft gear, motion capture, finding Tim's base, stairs being my hallmark, the importance of community, a potato generator, farming spaces and pens, not being deep on the tech tree, building being an important part, learning about sheep and their needs, grass propagation, sudden appearance of grass, emergent properties and experimentation, getting quickly to the nether, leaning on villagers, building up the spawn point, monster generation, XP as currency, upgrading villagers, a system to get quickly to villages, a very deep hole, climbing out of a big hole, getting connected to the world, blockiness contributing to readability, replayable/pseudo-randomness, selecting a seed, determinism, a multiverse of deterministic universes, a shareable number that you can replicate, difficulty progression in other games, getting same-y, going to the end, investing yourself, asking why?, making and letting go, spreading out to other games, Deathgaze and other end-game FF6 discussion.

Games, people, and influences mentioned or discussed: Phil Salvador, BioStats, Mega 64, Mark Garcia, LostLake86, MysteryDip and progeny, Lord of the Rings (obliquely), Valheim, Dark Souls, Breath of the Wild, Indiana Jones (obliquely), Minesweeper, Bridge, Starfighter, Spelunky, Skyrim, Soren Johnson, Civilization, No Man's Sky, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Corbin Bernsen, Pacific Drive, Final Fantasy VI, Kirk Hamilton, Aaron Evers.

Next time:
End of year review!

Defeating Games for Charity

Twitch: timlongojr

Dec 18, 2024

Welcome to Dev Game Club, where this week we continue our series on 2009's Minecraft. We talk about it birthing the survival genre, and a bit about what that means on several levels, drive into player motivation, and talk a little bit about how our play has gone. Dev Game Club looks at classic video games and plays through them over several episodes, providing commentary.

Sections played:
A few more hours

Issues covered: announcement about servers, the importance of iteration and innovation in game development, implementing on the basis of what you need, layering with survival in play, exploratory game-making and seeing where choices take you, not knowing the opportunities for things, spatial exploration and buildable exploration, not knowing what to do with all this copper, adding things to challenge your assumptions, setting up traps, having to do a lot of stuff to get to the nether, having a hard time sustaining an open game, digging towards a mountain, finding an abandoned mine, a minimal story that doesn't quite scratch the narrative itch, spawning a genre which explores the other gameplay spaces, loving the Viking stuff, seeking efficiency and layout goals, finding things as you dig down, the many sites of Brett D, figuring out your layout, building building building digging digging digging.

Games, people, and influences mentioned or discussed: LostLake86, David Brevik, Artimage, Breath of the Wild, Annihilation, Enshrouded, Return to Moria, Lord of the Rings, Valheim, Dragon Quest Builders, The Sims, Kirk Hamilton, Aaron Evers, Mark Garcia. 

Next time:
More Minecraft!

Twitch: timlongojr

Dec 4, 2024

Welcome to Dev Game Club, where this week we begin a new series on 2009's Minecraft. We talk about the early access history of the title, the impact on the industry, and then dive into some initial thoughts on our first few hours. Dev Game Club looks at classic video games and plays through them over several episodes, providing commentary.

Sections played:
A few hours

Issues covered: Brett kills Tim, an announcement about opening world, an announcement about Defeating Games for Charity, the Minecraft Timeline, the beginning of Early Access, starting with creative mode, adding core concepts later, viral success, cellular automata, emergence in a user-created space, free-to-play vs early access, hunger, huge success, a smart purchase, a rough start, undirected and unexplained, the key to the experience, building a game with a community, the crafting table and drawing little items, sanding edges off, crafting blocks with blocks, connecting to your humanity, how long you can go without stuff, building up a city, the survival test and launching a genre, holding everything in your hand, the sense of exploration, player types, sanding away friction, space for sequels, dealing with the Internet, the rise of the day one patch, boundaries and generations, a dangerous model, triaging bugs for day one, right-sizing the game.

Games, people, and influences mentioned or discussed: BioStats, Calamity Nolan, Phil Salvador, Video Game History Foundation, Arkham Asylum, Uncharted 2, Borderlands, Demons's Souls, Brutal Legend, League of Legends, Infamous, Assassin's Creed II, Dragon Age: Origins, Left 4 Dead 2, New Super Mario Bros Wii, Bayonetta, Plants vs Zombies, Red Faction: Guerilla, Artimage, Steam, Dwarf Fortress, MUD, Everquest, Far Cry 2, Clint Hocking, Valheim, Microsoft, Mojang, Bethesda Game Studios/Zenimax, id Software, Machine Games, Tango Gameworks, Discord, Phil Spencer, Halo, The Three Stooges, Picross, Black Hawk Down, Delta Force, Dragon Quest Builders, Spelunky, WoW Classic, Blizzard, mysterydip, Ubisoft, Sony, Horizon (series), Nintendo, Final Fantasy VI, Kirk Hamilton, Aaron Evers, Mark Garcia. 

Next time:
More Minecraft!

Twitch: timlongojr

Nov 27, 2024

This time around, BioStats and Calamity Nolan interview Phil Salvador, Library Director of the Video Game History Foundation. We expect to return with a new series next week.

Twitch: timlongojr

Nov 20, 2024

Welcome to Dev Game Club, where this week we conclude our series on 2006's Dead Rising. We visit the end of the game a bit and then turn to our takeaways, before tackling a reader question. Dev Game Club looks at classic video games and plays through them over several episodes, providing commentary.

Sections played:
Finished the game!

Issues covered: the enemy mix, just being a journalist, being interrupted by Otis, the arrival of the army, captured by cultists, constant use of the chainsaw, adding an enemy and its impact, greater XP rewards, state changes and controlling the state change, an ongoing narrative, how games end, overtime mode, the helicopter arrival, how new game+ or post-game works these days, frustration with unplugging the bombs, vehicle troubles, reach exceeding grasp, having the wrong feelings, the wall mission, early replay to skills gather, the bomb cyclone, the open world structure and its rogue-like nature, picking the good inspiration, weapon variety and payoff, finding new things to do on your run, conducive to achievements, systems over mechanics, different kinds of mastery, getting little bang for buck from first person or special moves, zombies as level design, tuning and balancing, item progression, humans as the real enemies, psychopaths, little survivor stories, balancing silliness and poignancy, when you've changed your mind, individuating the clones, adding humor, using more and less of the language, moving to systems over mechanics, moving away from design documentation, iteration over inspiration, defensiveness, solving for growing team size with documentation.

Games, people, and influences mentioned or discussed: Dark Souls, MegaMan, Fallout, Bethesda Game Studios, Morrowind, The Witcher 3, Grand Theft Auto, Lost Planet, Monster Hunter, Dragon's Dogma, Resident Evil (series), Dawn of the Dead, Gears of War, Vampire Survivor, Robotron 2084, Fatal Frame, mystery dip, Republic Commando, George Lucas, The Clone Wars, The Bad Batch, Robin Williams, William Shakespeare, Harley Baldwin, Starfighter (series), Soren Johnson, Sid Meier, LucasArts, Halo, Tomb Raider, Final Fantasy VI, Kirk Hamilton, Aaron Evers, Mark Garcia.

Next time:
??? TBA ???

You do not in fact have to carry all the queens at once. Brett may not have advanced Isabela's conversation enough.

Twitch: timlongojr

Nov 13, 2024

Welcome to Dev Game Club, where this week we continue our series on Dead Rising. Brett finally slays a killer clown a decade after his first failure, and we talk more about weapons, location, and "the run." Dev Game Club looks at classic video games and plays through them over several episodes, providing commentary.

Sections played:
More hours!

Issues covered: defeating killer clown, saving all the survivors, capturing Kent's photo, additional player agency, changing tactics over time, picking up the jewelry store mother, systems coming together, having no way to communicate trajectory, "simple" tweaks to a formula, learning Adam's patterns, throwing cash registers, getting battle axes to take out Adam but not losing the tourists, controller and gun, Carlito's guns, a distillation of the game, getting quick transit between, learning the survivor loops, the big effects of stat changes, survivor uniqueness, personifying mechanics or measures, "the truth has vanished into darkness," story threading into open world, putting a premium on story, juxtaposing location with horror, the beginning of the zombie outbreak, series rather than anthology, displayed stats, matchmaking, ugly matchmaking patents, more on achievements, qte escapes.

Games, people, and influences mentioned or discussed: Ico, Dark Souls, kyleanderror, Morrowind, Arkham: Knight, Legend of Zelda (series), Far Cry 2, GTA (series), Mad Libs, Fallout (series), George Romero, Resident Evil, 28 Days Later, Fear the Walking Dead, The Last of Us, The Girl with All the Gifts, Mr. E. Dip, Bubble Bobble, Starfighter, Skyrim, Josh Menke, 343 Industries, Call of Duty, League of Legends, StarCraft II, Republic Commando, Jeffool, King Kong, Final Fantasy VI, Kirk Hamilton, Aaron Evers, Mark Garcia. 

Next time:
Finish (?) Dead Rising

Twitch: timlongojr

Nov 6, 2024

Welcome to Dev Game Club, where this week we continue our series on 2006's Dead Rising, a Capcom game. We talk about the evolving intro, strategies for play, saving those left behind, and other topics. Dev Game Club looks at classic video games and plays through them over several episodes, providing commentary.

Sections played:
A few more hours

Issues covered: the evolving intro, grinding, the man with the paint can, mastering the level, misreading the map, varying weapon types, the evolving introduction, "I have to restart the game because I want my hair back," bucking the trend of zombie games, a gradually more porous map, keys that are keys, building up the run, skill and level checking the player, finicky quest logic, keys that aren't keys, putting timers on quests, randomly spawning zombies, needing to fail for the game to work, losing survivors, the fantasy fulfillment of the zombie, NPCs unable to traverse like Frank, the game fighting me on pathing, the story going places, being one-shot by a clown, what you get from killing psychopaths, "it's just MegaMan!," revisiting creators, the hero archetype, cleaning up Frank West, achievements that unlock gameplay things, achievement philosophy. 

Games, people, and influences mentioned or discussed: Dark Souls, Keiji Inafune, MegaMan, Rogue, Castlevania, XBLA, Blue Thunder, Resident Evil (series), The Walking Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Shinji Mikami, Evil Dead 2/Army of Darkness (obliquely), Raph Colantonio, Arx Fatalis, Arkane, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, Deathloop, Kurt Russell, Big Trouble in Little China, Brendan Fraser, The Mummy, Indiana Jones, Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, Final Fantasy XV, Ratchet & Clank, Kirk Hamilton, Aaron Evers, Mark Garcia. 

Next time:
More Dead Rising!

Twitch: timlongojr

Oct 30, 2024

Welcome to Dev Game Club, where this week we start a new series on 2006's Dead Rising, from Capcom. We situate the game a bit in its time and with Capcom and this generation of hardware before turning to the structure and feel of the game. Dev Game Club looks at classic video games and plays through them over several episodes, providing commentary.

Sections played:
A few hours

Issues covered: the early 360 era, throwing lots of enemies on the screen, console wars, an entry into console for PC developers, achievements and GamerScore, coming into a time-limited game, the deluxe remaster, carrying over Prestige Points, limited time quests, production benefits, a controversial structure, pushing your luck, going to the mall, horde management, Tim shows he actually knows more about football than claimed, camp, inventory management, learning the space, the feeling of losing a person right at the end, saving people, Onigokko!, Artimage's charity.

Games, people, and influences mentioned or discussed: Xbox, Gears of War, Republic Commando, Crystal Dynamics, Tomb Raider: Legend, PlayStation, Capcom, Keiji Inafune, MegaMan, Onimusha, Resident Evil, Shinji Mikami, Dwarf Fortress, LoZ: Twilight Princess, Okami, Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, Final Fantasy XII, Guitar Hero 2, Rainbow Six: Vegas, New Super Mario Bros, Wii, Elite Beat Agents, Nintendo DS, Burnout: Revenge, Brain Age!, Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth, Condemned: Criminal Origins, Tomb Raider: Legend, Heroes of Might and Magic V, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, Arkane, Prey, Dishonored, Nintendo Switch, ElectroPlankton, Groundhog Day, Dark Souls, Rogue, Dawn of the Dead, Chopping Mall, Night of the Living Dead, George Romero, Day of the Dead, Tim Ramsay, Harley Baldwin, Deathloop, Tony Rowe, Artimage, Minecraft, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kirk Hamilton, Aaron Evers, Mark Garcia. 

Next time:
More Dead Rising!

Artimage's email is

Twitch: timlongojr

Oct 23, 2024

Welcome to Dev Game Club, where this week we complete our series on Fatal Frame. We talk about a couple of rough things about the game, some things we loved, and then turn to our takeaways. Dev Game Club looks at classic video games and plays through them over several episodes, providing commentary.

Sections played:
Into Night 3 (Brett), End of Night 2 (Tim)

Issues covered: ritual - oof, haunted house effects, effective randomness, character reactions, a consistent atmosphere, excellent cinematic control, mask themes and usage, integration of masks into multiple avenues of design, audio and music design, Foley work for footsteps, level reuse and recontextualization, increasing house connectivity, motivating the space, feeling empowered by learning, replanning routes, map visual language, lack of signaling about difficulty, four difficult ghosts, the possibility for grinding, unlocking nightmare mode, extending the life of survival horror games, power ups for the camera, combat is still combat, a high skill floor, the difficulty, economical and disciplined design, audio as the gateway to the limbic system, excellent lighting, projected shadows, a culturally driven story, grounding survival horror, a really great haunted house. 

Games, people, and influences mentioned or discussed: Eternal Darkness, PlayStation 2, Nintendo, N64, GameCube, Resident Evil (series), dagur danielsson, Silent Hill 2, Tecmo, Luigi's Mansion, Ninja Gaiden, Ju-On: The Grudge, The Ring, Final Fantasy VI, Biostats, LostLake, Kirk Hamilton, Aaron Evers, Mark Garcia.

Next time:

Twitch: timlongojr

Oct 16, 2024

Welcome to Dev Game Club, where this week we continue our series on 2001's Fatal Frame. We talk about retreading, camera upgrade strategies, how ghosts move and how that impacts level design, and various other topics. Dev Game Club looks at classic video games and plays through them over several episodes, providing commentary.

Sections played:
A few more hours

Issues covered: the strangling places, replaying the beginning of the game, knowing where to go or not, variety of uses for talismans, blocked off paths, pieces and doors and showing locks before you can find the keys, intentional design with controls, creating tension with controller choices, series evolutions, having less fun, feeling frustrating, not unifying movement around one stick, zombies vs ghosts, building levels around your enemies, the outdoor areas and fear, forests and atavistic fears, things not being fully representational and adding layers of fear, the Abyss, lots of lenses to view the same events, the meta of visiting this haunted place to make a game, ammo and bonus functions, upgrading the camera strategies, feeling skittish about the bonus functions, how many nights, the use of stone mirrors, looking forward to the future, pressing your luck, how many shots do you have left, wanting to take pictures with a camera, worrying about film amounts, dragon and mime hunting.

Games, people, and influences mentioned or discussed: Resident Evil (series), Halo, GameCube, Nathan Martz, Dead Rising, Keiji Inafune, Dark Souls, Pharaijin, Dagur Danielsson, Final Fantasy VI, Kirk Hamilton, Aaron Evers, Mark Garcia. 

Next time:
Finish the game?

Twitch: timlongojr

Oct 9, 2024

Welcome to Dev Game Club, where this week we continue our series on 2001's Fatal Frame. We talk about the economy of the design, some sticky puzzles and usability thoughts, and mechanical considerations. Dev Game Club looks at classic video games and plays through them over several episodes, providing commentary.

Sections played:
A few more hours

Issues covered: economy and discipline, the warbling space that signifies a ghost, a possible positive reinforcement loop and the score economy, making every ghost matter, high stakes camera use, unsettling your comfort, the disorienting movement and camera shifts popping out of combat, melodramatic and zany, the different movie eras these series connect to, the Mothman, Japanese making Western horrors, Buddhism vs Shintoism, playing croquet with the Old Ones, brute forcing a puzzle, "well there's a note," head-look, wanting a little more from the map, usability issues, the gap in the wall, mechanical inconsistency, seeing patterns that aren't there, the adventure game of it all, exponential vs linear, the talisman photos in your inventory, RTFM, various reminiscences of Father Beast on HOMM, discovery in HOMM.

Games, people, and influences mentioned or discussed: Resident Evil (series), Clue, Capcom, Dead Rising, Unsolved Mysteries, Jen Longo, Silent Hill, Don't Look Now, Eternal Darkness, Day of the Tentacle, Father Beast, Heroes of Might and Magic, King's Bounty, Master of Magic, Archon, X-COM, Final Fantasy VI, Dave Wolinsky, Pippin Barr, Beyond Good and Evil, Kirk Hamilton, Aaron Evers, Mark Garcia.

Next time:
More Fatal Frame

Twitch: timlongojr

Oct 2, 2024

Welcome to Dev Game Club, where this week we begin our annual spooky series, this time on 2001's Fatal Frame. We briefly talk about the year it came out, its developer/publisher, and why we picked it before turning to other introductory topics. Dev Game Club looks at classic video games and plays through them over several episodes, providing commentary.

Sections played:
An hour-ish

Issues covered: Discord-only going forward, why this game?, photo mode games, changing culture of photography, re-elevating photography, Sony shenanigans, best years of all time, the ubergame, years where genres were introduced or forks were in the road, being able to fit more games in, risk aversion and uniqueness, indie games, too big to feel?, a bit about Tecmo, Japanese horror, based on a true story?, the cover and the possible origins of the game, the correlations screen, connecting up details, following the ghosts, pushing characters in the directions of the horror, using ghosts in interesting ways, pixel hunting with the characters, interaction prompts on key items, controls, meticulous camera placement and movement, entering a piece of furniture, not overthinking it, the straining of fixed cameras, distinguishing between cameras, something refreshing, feeling extremely different, the visual aesthetic, relying on tropes but using it to enrich, less is more, audio and horror, games that feel like save states due to repetition, accessibility options, give players options and opportunities and not getting in the way of that, accessibility as a frontier, save anywhere, games that get sanded down, more game boxes. 

Games, people, and influences mentioned or discussed: Heroes of Might and Magic, Resident Evil (series), Pokemon Snap, Umurangi Generation, Toem, Beyond Good & Evil, Deadly Premonition, Minecraft, Halo, Animal Crossing, GTA III, Devil May Cry, Civ III, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Ico, Silent Hill 2, Final Fantasy X, Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec, MSG 2: Sons of Liberty, Myst III: Exile, SSX Tricky, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Advance Wars, Burnout, Gothic, Black & White, Ghost Recon, Jak and Daxter, Max Payne, Onimusha: Warlords, Koei, Pikmin, Red Faction, Serious Sam, GameCube, Xbox, GameBoy Advance, Spider-Man 2, Horizon, Ubisoft, Valheim, Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden, Tecmo Bowl, Pac-Man, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Hideki Itegaki, Makoto Shibata, Ringu, Criterion Channel, Ju-On: The Grudge, Audition, Amityville Horror, The Entity, Until Dark, Skyrim, Alone in the Dark, Sam, MegaMan, Hitman, Tunic, Castlevania IV, Alien: Isolation, P. T., Dead Rising, Celeste, Far Cry 2, Ben Abraham, Ben Zaugg, Grim Fandango, Father Beast, Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast, Dave K, Half-Life 2, Starfighter/Jedi Starfighter, Raven Software, World of Warcraft, Kirk Hamilton, Aaron Evers, Mark Garcia.

Next time:
More of Fatal Frame!

Twitch: timlongojr

Sep 25, 2024

Welcome to Dev Game Club, where this week we conclude our series on Heroes of Might and Magic. We confess that we should have learned more about this game before we tried it, and then turn to takeaways and email. Dev Game Club looks at classic video games and plays through them over several episodes, providing commentary.

Sections played: 
Some... more?

Issues covered: games we've fallen down on, the commitment, why we don't play certain genres, falling short, the possibility of finding guest hosts, game selection moving forward, having a tech tree in the manual but things we missed, board games and picking up strategy, hot seat multiplayer, modernizing the series, the limits of the audience, adding narrative, the heroes off the battlefield, June alert, whether you should do something, thinking about the computer audience, clarity and taste, how you present the information to the player in the manual, ramping up the campaign, "board games can be fun," creating your own space, learning design from board games, enjoying the tactical map, coming up with the names for things, not overthinking it, deepening and alienating people, machinima, stories from The Sims, boxes from the past.

Games, people, and influences mentioned or discussed: Waypoint, Austin Walker, Patrick Klepek, Danielle Riendeau, MegaMan, GTA III, Final Fantasy Tactics, Kaeon, Dwarf Fortress, Artimage, The Sims, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Smash Brothers, NES/SNES, Apple ][, Lode Runner, Wizardry, Final Fantasy VI, Ubisoft, Jurassic Park, Jeff Goldblum, Slay the Spire, Civilization, X-COM, Warhammer, Andrew Kirmse, mysterydip, Bethesda Game Studios/Zenimax, Notch, Halo, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Battlefront, Battlezone, Jeffool, Red vs Blue, Quake, Tacoma, PUBG, LucasArts, Father Beast, Margot Robbie, Barbie, Ashton Herrmann, Lords of Magic, Lords of the Realm, Stonekeep, Interplay, Day of the Tentacle, Burn: Cycle, Phantasmagoria, Tony Rowe, Trespasser, Bill Roper, Warcraft, Diablo, Kirk Hamilton, Aaron Evers, Mark Garcia. 

Next time:

Note: I think the person Tim was thinking of is Natalie Watson. We regret our lack of memory. Also note: Philip Johnson is the architect Brett was thinking of, with his "Glass House" in New Canaan, Connecticut.

Twitch: timlongojr

Sep 18, 2024

Welcome to Dev Game Club, where this week we start a new series on Heroes of Might and Magic. We talk about the boardgame of it all and where the vibes are with this one, among other topics. Dev Game Club looks at classic video games and plays through them over several episodes, providing commentary.

Sections played:
Some standard, some campaign

Issues covered: hearing the journey and thoughts of our listeners, deep regrets about Megaman, games that scare us, learning the patterns, hearing about the Final Fantasy thoughts, learning about FF15 at two different publishers, a game you can't pick up and play for an hour, seeking out a full game experience, dialing down the map challenge, a more dense map, lots of map options, seeing a new map, considering whether the maps are generated algorithmically, playing a little too disposably, how this game might be played, lack of boardgame clarity, extreme depth, depth of the tactical mode, opacity and complexity, the aesthetics of the time, dormant franchises vs active ones, lacking iteration and interaction on the design and with the players, possible outcomes from opacity, balance in defending the castles, how slowly should I move on the map, getting over the hump, getting services in The Sims, kind words about the 'cast.

Games, people, and influences mentioned or discussed:  Kaeon, Biostats, CalamityNolan, Megaman, Day of the Tentacle/Maniac Mansion, Contra, Cuphead, Andrew Kirmse, Full Throttle, Dark Souls, Belmont, Final Fantasy (series), Jason Schreier, Mark Garcia, LostLake, Metal Gear Solid V, Crystal Dynamics, Tomb Raider (2013), Square Enix, Eidos, Halo Infinite, 343 Industries, The Sims, X-COM, Soren Johnson, Civilization, Jurassic Park, Wizardry, Ubisoft, New World Computing, Infogrammes, Dwarf Fortress, Avalon Hill, Universal Paperclips, Frank Lantz, G, Tristan, Stone Librande, Kirk Hamilton, Aaron Evers. 

Next time:
More of HOMM!

Twitch: timlongojr

Sep 4, 2024

Friends from the Discord discussing their recent parallel play of Final Fantasy XV! We return to Heroes of Might and Magic next week.

Next time:
Another Discord Game Club

Twitch: timlongojr

Aug 28, 2024

Friends from the Discord provide some audio from back in December, and we've been dropping it in here from time to time when our schedules get tight. (Tim is traveling this week and next and time is short!) We'll return to Heroes of Might and Magic in two weeks.

Next time:
Another Discord Game Club

Twitch: timlongojr

Aug 21, 2024

Welcome to Dev Game Club, where this week we start a new series on Heroes of Might and Magic. We set the game a little in its time, talk about the way the game creates a divergent path from other tactical turn-based combat games. Dev Game Club looks at classic video games and plays through them over several episodes, providing commentary.

Sections played:
Some tutorial, some standard, some campaign

Issues covered: the multiverse/divergent evolution, a game that wasn't copied, long games, setting the game in its time, moving more to real-time combat, finite audiences, action became important for larger audiences, the experimentation in the space, the unexpected battle map, an automated complicated board game, tabletop wargaming, wondering how you get from the main series to this, SSI's path, playing the tutorial, the early game, resources and time and other elements, the city view, generating armies and garrisoning, other things that buildings provide, the hero doesn't fight, choosing your heroes and what units you get, retreating and surrendering, leveling your heroes, not being expected to win the first game, the world map, exploring and watching the world map progress, considering multiplayer, metaphors for humanity (computing, industry, alignments, attributes), grinding, wanting cinematography controls in in-game cutscenes, deleting the chip bag, giving the cheats, #PecsAndGlutesForLyfe.

Games, people, and influences mentioned or discussed: Ubisoft, New World Computing, Jon Van Caneghem, Final Fantasy Tactics, X-COM, Populous, Black & White, Marvel Midnight Suns, Freedom Force, Wildermyth, Civilization, Richard Garriott, Kaeon, NES/SNES, Chrono Trigger, Dark Forces, Full Throttle, Jagged Alliance, Dragon Quest VI, Rayman, Hexen, Suikoden, PlayStation, Warcraft 2, The Dig, Twisted Metal, Kings Field 2, Command & Conquer, Total Annihilation, World of Warcraft, Fallout, Firaxis, Final Fantasy (series), Baldur's Gate, Diablo, David Brevik, Archon, Gary Gygax, Dave Arneson, Chivalry, Dungeons & Dragons, Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel, Commandos, SSI, Ultima (series), Eye of the Beholder, Cinemaware, Defender of the Crown, Taylor, The Sims, Majora's Mask, GURPS, Baron, Shadow Tactics, Tacoma, Assassin's Creed: Valhalla, Metal Gear Solid (series), Halo, Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, Braid, Quake, Daron Stinnett, Celeste, Jeffool, Final Fantasy VI, Kirk Hamilton, Aaron Evers, Mark Garcia. 

Next time:
More of HOMM!

Twitch: timlongojr

Aug 14, 2024

Welcome to Dev Game Club, where this week we revisit our series on Trespasser: The Lost World with an interview with Tony Rowe, who did QA on the title. Dev Game Club looks at classic video games and plays through them over several episodes, providing commentary.

Podcast breakdown:
00:49   Interview
1:13:20 Break
1:13:55 Outro

Issues covered: time to take out the prehistoric trash, getting in, doubling up the QA team, the clay model of an island, having to rebuild the island, cutting a more open level, the empty plantation house, Microsoft Hiking Simulator, the bowling shirt, how long games took at the time, rising expectations, developing a software renderer, length of time and risk, entirely procedurally driving the critters, using a hill to escape a dinosaur, everything being a box, exploding physics boxes, choosing procedural animation, saying yes to too many things, a richer first person experience, locking the arm, emergent gameplay, a different context, building a separate demo level, overtime/double time/golden time, lack of friction, the floating plants, taking the blame, programming and managing at the same time, video game history and documenting game development, influences later, making it hard for game stores, dinosaur brains and subtlety, cranking up the anger, the importance of preservation, regressing bugs and test plans.

Games, people, and influences mentioned or discussed: Star Wars, Call of Duty, Medal of Honor, Jurassic Park, Dreamworks, Electronic Arts, Spark Unlimited, LucasArts, Force Unleashed (series), First Assault, Drexel University, Greg Knight, Interweave, WayForward Technologies, Microshaft: Winblows 98, X-Fools, Star Warped, MYST, PYST, Parroty Interactive, Monopoly, Spielberg, Katzenberg, David Geffen, DOOM, Neverhood, Dark Forces, Skyrim, Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings, PS3, Microsoft 360, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, PSP, AMD, Quake, 3dfx Voodoo2, Dreamcast, PS2, Seamus Blackly, Looking Glass, Terranova: Strike Force Centauri, Richard Wyckoff, Austin Grossman, Andrew Grant, Tai-Fu, Small Soldiers, Crystal Dynamics, Noah Hughes, Kung Fu Panda, Unreal, Clive Barker's Undying, Fall Guys, 3D Studio MAX, Starfighter, Video Game History Foundation, Phil Salvador, Frank Cifaldi, UNESCO, Dinosaur Train, Terry Izumi, Clint Hocking, Far Cry 2, Half-Life 2, Octodad, Eidos, Spectre, Max Spielberg, Jet Lucas, Assassin's Creed, David Wolinsky, Apple ][, The Sims, Kirk Hamilton, Aaron Evers, Mark Garcia.

Next time:

David Wolinsky's Interview with Steven Horowitz

Twitch: timlongojr

Aug 7, 2024

Welcome to Dev Game Club, where this week we revisit our series on rotoscoping with a fun chat with Jordan Mechner, of Karateka, Prince of Persia, and The Last Express fame. We also talk about his new graphic memoir: Replay, Memoir of an Uprooted Family. Dev Game Club looks at classic video games and plays through them over several episodes, providing commentary.

Podcast breakdown:
00:50   Interview
1:01:50 Break
1:02:03 Outro

Issues covered: his history, train trips, caricatures and making stuff, not living up to the greats, improvising into his games, animation not holding up, filming his mother's karate teacher, his father, and his brother, handcrafting for rotoscoping, taking silent film classes, cross-cutting and wipes, the moment it came to live, the power of abstraction vs the uncanny valley, the impact on what we wanted for animation, caricature and capturing someone, finding the essence of a person, specialization and stepping into direction, drawing ten real people and getting into the graphic memoir, caricature and selling the big moments of small animations, abstraction and universality, adapting to higher resolution, breaking the illusion of interactivity, not being photorealistic but still having the nuance of real actors, highly compressible art and fluidity, uncanny valley of interactivity, picking the right constraints, the train's limitations enabling the possibility of depth, the fascination of interactive theater, holding up better, physical recording separated from voice, allowing for improvisation or variability, being attracted to historical fiction, his family's history, drawing the real things into the memoir, experience, technical nuance and caricature, moments of impactful character interactions, committing to a high bar.

Games, people, and influences mentioned or discussed: Karateka, Prince of Persia, The Last Express, Smoking Car Productions, Disney, Replay: Memoir of an Uprooted Family, LucasArts, Space Invaders, Apple, Hitchcock, Thief of Baghdad, Sabu, Conrad Veidt, 1001 Nights, MAD Magazine, Al Hirschfeld, Frank Sinatra, Broderbund, Understanding Comics, Scott McCloud, MYST, Dragon's Lair, Buster Keaton, Robyn Miller, The 7th Guest, Rebel Assault, GTA, Agatha Christie, Hercule Poirot, Deadline, The Witness, Infocom, Sleep No More, Assassin's Creed, Zoetrope Studios, Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Seven Samurai, Fathom, Michael Turner, The Last of Us, Uncharted, Templar, Count of Monte Cristo, Emily, Michel Ancel, Eric Chahi, Ubisoft, Kirk Hamilton, Aaron Evers, Mark Garcia. 

Next time:

Jordan Mechner's website

Twitch: timlongojr

Aug 1, 2024

Taking another tricky scheduling week as an opportunity to run this second interview by BioStats and CalamityNolan, this time of KyleAndError13. See you next week.

Next time:
An interview, we hope!

Twitch: timlongojr, Twitter/Threads/Insta: @devgameclub

Jul 24, 2024

Welcome to Dev Game Club, where this week we complete our series on 2000's The Sims. We give some anecdotes, Tim builds his own from the ground up, and of course, we turn to our takeaways. Dev Game Club looks at classic video games and plays through them over several episodes, providing commentary.

Sections played:
A few more hours

Issues covered: losing the alien, making the middle-of-the-road character, pecs and glutes, not being able to hire, having to have someone work on the house full time, the light bulbs need replacement, building a house from scratch, a one-room apartment, getting to know your Sim by them walking around, the dread setting in, finding a daily schedule, the newspaper, managing one of the Sims, the chaos of several Sims, figuring out the daily morning routine, getting repeatedly burgled, fighting for detente, finding perfect synchrony, a lonely Sim existence, proactive socialization and obligations, preferring the remove of fantasy or science fiction, how you feel about this game at different points in life, finding other demographics, object encapsulation, gravity wells, attaching animation to the objects themselves, the online stories of the Sims, high value UI choices, realism leading to anxiety, finding the right level of abstraction but simulating a lot of life, breadth and depth, a wider range of feelings, progression vs maintenance, exposing the bars all the time, the design choices we make and the commentary that results, astrological signs, the things I thought about, Zen and the importance of weekends, teams make games.

Games, people, and influences mentioned or discussed: Mr. Rogers, Piet Mondrian, Bob Newhart, Mia Goth, Will Wright, Grand Theft Auto, SimCity, Sid Meier, Animal Crossing, Nintendo Switch, Portal (obliquely), Halo, World of Warcraft, Maxis, Kirk Hamilton, Aaron Evers, Mark Garcia.

Next time:

Alice and Kev (Sims 3 story)

Animal Crossing Mom

Twitch: timlongojr, Twitter/Threads/Insta: @devgameclub

Jul 17, 2024

Welcome to Dev Game Club, where this week we continue our series on The Sims. We talk about a dark spiral, read some poetry, the problem of having enough time, and other topics. Dev Game Club looks at classic video games and plays through them over several episodes, providing commentary.

Sections played:
A few more hours

Issues covered: alien life, Windows snippet tool vs print screen, not saving, random seeds, introducing a chaos event, theorizing about end games for careers, Tim's persistent chip bag, forums and forever games, games you can play daily, free-to-play mobile games, appointment-based gaming, min/maxing psychology, selling the kids' doll house for food, Dianne being negative, "I'm too depressed to even look at myself," lack of weekends, two Sims having a day off, a podcast first, multiple burners, having to closely manage Bob's fun, the Sims for therapy, externalizing developer feelings of 21st century life, using the room meter to understand what needs to be done, the ultimate plate-spinning game, "did you know that love could be lucrative?," falling in love to increase your net worth, 3D characters and a 2D environment, modding goals and having 3D characters, dimetric vs isometric, revisiting gender normativity, liking problematic things, listening to their audience, how you might approach things the second time around, remastering Final Fantasy VI, a party of side characters, two automated characters healing each other.

Games, people, and influences mentioned or discussed: SimCity, Dianne Feinstein, Apple ][, Farmville, Diner Dash, Bejeweled, Animal Crossing, Sims Online, Maxis, Firaxis, Ensemble Studios, Terry Pratchett, Mia Goth, Halo, Kenneth Koch, David Sedaris, Diablo, Quake, Tomb Raider, Super Mario 64, Michael, EA, Wing Commander, Anita Sarkeesian, Northern Exposure, Starfighter, Kirk Hamilton, Aaron Evers, Mark Garcia, Final Fantasy VI, BioStats, Kaeon, Unity, Final Fantasy Tactics, Cloud Strife, Apocalypse Now. 

Next time:
A few more hours and maybe finish with The Sims

Here's an audio recording of the poet Kenneth Koch reading his poem

Twitch: timlongojr, Twitter/Threads/Insta: @devgameclub

Jul 10, 2024

Welcome to Dev Game Club, where this week we continue our series on 2000's The Sims. We spend a little time on the gender normativity of the title, sprinkle in some stories about our various households, and also fit in some reader mail! Dev Game Club looks at classic video games and plays through them over several episodes, providing commentary.

Sections played:
A few more hours!

Issues covered: satire and farce, Timmy's toilet troubles, Betty's rapid rise in scientific circles, sexual orientation and the Sims, dark times for Bob, Jeff in the military, whether the game is conforming to gender biases all the time or not, Diane and politics, how Betty got her job, thinking about design decisions around careers, the value systems that the game systems express, working with smaller spaces and the difficulties for game development, the American Dream qua Nightmare, being in the 1950s and the music, "None of my good points are inadvertent," opacity of systems in other simulations vs this game's clarity, a toy vs a game, Bob winning things via the phones, Chance and Community Chest, Potty Talk with Tim and Brett, dolls and trains, finding SimCity more serious, can the Sims die?, not knowing that we had to pay the bills, investing in Bob's creativity, touching on the animation and object systems, teenagers and hygiene, getting Bob's confidence up, a little ditty, the shlubs getting the gals, encouraging community via modding and engagement, moon names, code names, hunting for things in games, the tension of player cleverness and wasting your time, environment scanning, visual language and level design, getting playersr to have intuition.

Games, people, and influences mentioned or discussed: Mia Goth, Mad Men (obliquely), SimCity 2000, Unpacking, Fallout (obliquely), Will Wright, Monopoly, John Mellencamp, Seth Rogen, Raid on Bungeling Bay, Bethesda Game Studios, Skyrim, Jonah Lobe, Quiet: Level One, Sasha, Tomb Raider, mysterydip, Kaeon, Might and Magic, NES, Where's Waldo, Ratchet & Clank, Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, UbiSoft, Witcher III, World of Warcraft, Morrowind, Arkham (series), Breath of the Wild, Ocarina of Time, Kirk Hamilton, Aaron Evers, Mark Garcia.

Next time:
More of The Sims!

Jonah Lobe's Quiet: Level One 

Twitch: timlongojr, Twitter/Threads/Insta: @devgameclub

Jul 3, 2024

Welcome to Dev Game Club, where this week we start a new series on 2000's The Sims. We first set the game in its time, and then turn almost immediately to what happened with our Sims. Dev Game Club looks at classic video games and plays through them over several episodes, providing commentary.

Sections played:
A couple of hours

Issues covered: spiders and ant farms, last few episodes, our interview with Michel Ancel, games from 2000, all-time sales by brand, an expansion-pack driven business model, games that don't end, a precedent, building up to simulating people, our memories, jumping in without the manual, following the tutorial, talking about Bob and Betty Newbie, a little shade on the console version, what you learn in the tutorial, getting a job, roleplaying the newbies, being visited by the Goths, an interview with John Romero, another visit from the Goths, Tim diving into level design, making messes, options for reading, promoting experimentation, people eating all over the place, Bob and Betty dividing up labor, Bob the freeloader, the people in your neighborhood, horror movie on the TV, kids running in the streets, Mrs Goth collecting her child, the bed against the wall, building versus micromanaging, finding our own fun, comedy factory, inter-system friction, Maslow's hierarchy of needs, spinning the plates, "some dude got water everywhere," discussing how the pathfinding might work, keeping it clean, our Easter Egg, the Aw Jeez files.

Games, people, and influences mentioned or discussed: BioStats, Calamity Nolan, Ben from Iowa, Mark Garcia, Michel Ancel, SW: Starfighter, Final Fantasy IX, Deus Ex, THPS 2, SSX, Perfect Dark, NOLF, Baldur's Gate 2, Vagrant Story, Diablo 2, Banjo-Tooie, Spyro: Year of the Dragon, Majora's Mask, Crazy Taxi, Counter-Strike, Thief II, PlayStation, Pokémon, Tetris, Assassin's Creed, Legos, Minecraft, FIFA, Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty, Mario, Game Boy, Little Computer People, Seaman, Tamagotchi, Amiga, Atari, David Crane, Rich Gold, Pitfall!, Famicom, Will Wright, Raid on Bungeling Bay, Maxis, EA, Final Fantasy Tactics, Donald Pleasance, SimCity, Dwarf Fortress, John Romero, Spore, Mr Rogers, The Exorcist, George Lucas, Far Cry 2, Abraham Maslow, Dave K, Final Fantasy VI, Kirk Hamilton, Aaron Evers. 

Next time:
More The Sims!

Twitch: timlongojr, Twitter/Threads/Insta: @devgameclub

Jun 26, 2024

Friends from the Discord provide some audio from back in December -- sorry to get to it so late, I admit I forgot. No show notes as I'm just back from vacation and settling in. See you next week.

Next time:
New series!

Twitch: timlongojr, Twitter/Threads/Insta: @devgameclub

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